https://doi.org/10.18524/2077-1746.2016.1(38).65062Ключові слова:
гостра ішемія, ізометричне скорочення м'язу, пара- метри м'язового скорочення, м'яз gastrocnemius medialis.Анотація
Застосуванням методів аналізу головних компонент і обертання факторів у двохвимірному просторі варімакс та критерію кам'янистого осипу було знайдено два фактори, що впливають на власнускоротливу здатність ішемізованого м'язу, яку реєстрували тензометричним методом. З'ясовано, що вона більше залежить від змінних, які навантажують перший фактор і характеризують біомеханічні властивості м'язового скорочення, тоді як другий, що пов'язаний з індексом втоми є другорядним.
Baril DT, Patel VI, Judelson DR, Goodney PP, McPhee JT, Hevelone ND, Cronenwett JL, Schanzer A. (2013). Outcomes of lower extremity bypass performed for acute limb ischemia. J Vasc Surg. 58 (4), 949-956.
Cairns SP, Taberner AJ, Loiselle DS. (2009). Changes of surface and t-tubular membrane excitability during fatigue with repeated tetani in isolated mouse fast- and slow-twitch muscle. Journal of Applied Physiology. 106 (1), 101 - 112.
Cheng AJ, Rice CL. (2010) Fatigue-induced reductions of torgue and shortening velocity are muscle dependent. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 42 (9). 1651 - 1659.
Creager MA, Kaufman JA, Conte MS. (2012). Acute limb ischemia. NJ Med. 366, 2198 - 2206.
Earnshaw J. (2010). Acute ischaemia: Evaluation and decision making . In: Cronenwett J , Wayne K Rutherford's Vascular Surgery. 7th ed. Phildelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier. 2389 - 2398.
Council of Europe. (1986). European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes. Available: http://m.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=212329. Last accessed 29 March 2016.
Hakim CH, Wasala NB, Duan D . (2013). Evaluation of muscle function of the extensor digitorum longus muscle ex vivo and tibialis anterior muscle in situ in mice. J Vis Exp. 72, e 50183.
Hill AV. (1938). The heat of shortening and the dynamic constants of muscle. Proc R Soc Lond B. 126, 136 - 195.
Huxley HE, Hanson J. (1954). Structural changes in muscle during contraction. Nature. 173, 971- 973.
Huxley HE, Hanson J. (1954). Changes in the cross-striations of muscle during contractions and streatch and their structural interpretation. Nature. 173, 973 - 976.
Kashyap VS, Gilani R, Bena JF, Bannazadeh M, Sarac TP. (2011). Endo-vascular therapy for acute limb ischemia. Journal of vascular surgery. 53 (2), 340 - 346.
Koren K, Šimunič B, Rejc E, Lazzer S, Pišot R. (2015). Differences between sceletal muscle contractile parameters estimated from transversal tensiomyo-graphic and longitudinal torque twitch response. Kinesiology. 47 (1),19 - 26.
Lyden SP. (2010). Endovascular treatment of acute limb ischemia: review of current plasminogen activators and mechanical thrombectomy devices. Perspectives I vascular surgery and endovascular therapy. 22 (4), 219 - 222.
Macintosh BR, Holash RJ, Renaud JM. (2012). Skeletal muscle fatigue regulation of excitation-contraction coupling to avoid metabolic catastrophe. J Cell Sci. 125 (Pt 9), 2105 - 2114.
Naidoo NG, Rautenbach PS, Kahn D. (2013). Acute lower extremity ischaemia. CME. 31(6), 201 - 205.
Park KH, Brotto L, Lehoang O, Brotto M, Ma J, Zhao X. (2012). Ex vivo assessment of contractility, fatigability and alternans in isolated skeletal muscles. J Vis Exp. 69, e 4198.
Tang GL, Chang DS, Sarkar R, Wang R, Messina LM. (2005). The effect of gradual or acute arterial occlusion on skeletal muscle blood flow, arteriogenesis, and inflammation in rat hindlimb ischemia. J Vasc Surg. 41 (2), 312 - 320.
Yue Hong Y, Zhao G, Xing C, Yuan Jine F. (2012). Studios on biomechanics of skeletal muscle based on the working mechanism of myosin motors: An owerview. Chinese science bulletin. 57 (35), 4533 - 4544.
Baril DT, Patel VI, Judelson DR, Goodney PP, McPhee JT, Hevelone ND, Cronenwett JL, Schanzer A. (2013). Outcomes of lower extremity bypass performed for acute limb ischemia. J Vasc Surg. 58 (4), 949-956.
Cairns SP, Taberner AJ, Loiselle DS. (2009). Changes of surface and t-tubular membrane excitability during fatigue with repeated tetani in isolated mouse fast- and slow-twitch muscle. Journal of Applied Physiology. 106 (1), 101 - 112.
Cheng AJ, Rice CL. (2010) Fatigue-induced reductions of torgue and shortening velocity are muscle dependent. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 42 (9). 1651 - 1659.
Creager MA, Kaufman JA, Conte MS. (2012). Acute limb ischemia. NJ Med. 366, 2198 - 2206.
Earnshaw J. (2010). Acute ischaemia: Evaluation and decision making . In: Cronenwett J , Wayne K Rutherford's Vascular Surgery. 7th ed. Phildelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier. 2389 - 2398.
Council of Europe. (1986). European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes. Available: http://m.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=212329. Last accessed 29 March 2016.
Hakim CH, Wasala NB, Duan D . (2013). Evaluation of muscle function of the extensor digitorum longus muscle ex vivo and tibialis anterior muscle in situ in mice. J Vis Exp. 72, e 50183.
Hill AV. (1938). The heat of shortening and the dynamic constants of muscle. Proc R Soc Lond B. 126, 136 - 195.
Huxley HE, Hanson J. (1954). Structural changes in muscle during contraction. Nature. 173, 971- 973.
Huxley HE, Hanson J. (1954). Changes in the cross-striations of muscle during contractions and streatch and their structural interpretation. Nature. 173, 973 - 976.
Kashyap VS, Gilani R, Bena JF, Bannazadeh M, Sarac TP. (2011). Endo-vascular therapy for acute limb ischemia. Journal of vascular surgery. 53 (2), 340 - 346.
Koren K, Šimunič B, Rejc E, Lazzer S, Pišot R. (2015). Differences between sceletal muscle contractile parameters estimated from transversal tensiomyo-graphic and longitudinal torque twitch response. Kinesiology. 47 (1),19 - 26.
Lyden SP. (2010). Endovascular treatment of acute limb ischemia: review of current plasminogen activators and mechanical thrombectomy devices. Perspectives I vascular surgery and endovascular therapy. 22 (4), 219 - 222.
Macintosh BR, Holash RJ, Renaud JM. (2012). Skeletal muscle fatigue regulation of excitation-contraction coupling to avoid metabolic catastrophe. J Cell Sci. 125 (Pt 9), 2105 - 2114.
Naidoo NG, Rautenbach PS, Kahn D. (2013). Acute lower extremity ischaemia. CME. 31(6), 201 - 205.
Park KH, Brotto L, Lehoang O, Brotto M, Ma J, Zhao X. (2012). Ex vivo assessment of contractility, fatigability and alternans in isolated skeletal muscles. J Vis Exp. 69, e 4198.
Tang GL, Chang DS, Sarkar R, Wang R, Messina LM. (2005). The effect of gradual or acute arterial occlusion on skeletal muscle blood flow, arteriogenesis, and inflammation in rat hindlimb ischemia. J Vasc Surg. 41 (2), 312 - 320.
Yue Hong Y, Zhao G, Xing C, Yuan Jine F. (2012). Studios on biomechanics of skeletal muscle based on the working mechanism of myosin motors: An owerview. Chinese science bulletin. 57 (35), 4533 - 4544.
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